Financial Donations - How To Be a Guest Investor This Way?
Hungary offers a unique opportunity for foreign nationals to obtain a "guest investor visa" by contributing to the country's higher education sector. This visa is granted to those whose investments in Hungary are deemed to be in the national economic interest. One way to achieve this is by making a significant financial donation to a specific type of foundation that supports higher education institutions.
Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

Donate to a Hungarian University
Donate to a Hungarian University through a Public Interest Asset Management Foundation
To qualify for the Guest Investor program through a donation, you must meet the following criteria:
- Eligible Donation: A minimum donation of €1,000,000 to a "közfeladatot ellátó közérdekű vagyonkezelő alapítvány" or "KEKVA" for the purpose of supporting education, research, or the arts.
- Confirmation from University: Obtain confirmation from the higher education institution supported by the foundation that they have received your donation.
KEKVA Explained: Hungary's Public Interest Asset Management Foundations
In Hungary, "public interest asset management foundations" (közfeladatot ellátó közérdekű vagyonkezelő alapítvány or KEKVA) are unique entities established by the government to manage valuable state assets with significant social importance. These foundations operate independently, with considerable autonomy in managing their assets for the long term. Essentially, they function as independent trusts, preserving and developing vital institutions, primarily in education, culture, and research. To ensure transparency and accountability, a board of trustees governs each foundation, overseen by a supervisory board and an auditor.
Examples of Foundations and Universities
Here are some examples of "közfeladatot ellátó közérdekű vagyonkezelő alapítványok" and the universities they support:
- Budapest Business School Foundation (Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetemért Alapítvány) - supports Budapest Business School (Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem)
- Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen (Gróf Tisza István Debreceni Egyetemért Alapítvány) - supports the University of Debrecen (Debreceni Egyetem)
- Foundation for the University of Dunaújváros (Dunaújvárosi Egyetemért Alapítvány) - supports the University of Dunaújváros (Dunaújvárosi Egyetem)
- Hungarian Dance University Foundation (Magyar Táncművészeti Egyetemért Alapítvány) - supports the Hungarian Dance University (Magyar Táncművészeti Egyetem)
- Foundation for The University of Nyíregyháza (Nyíregyházi Egyetemért Alapítvány) - supports the University of Nyíregyháza (Nyíregyházi Egyetem)
- Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Óbuda University (Rudolf Kalman Óbudai Egyetemért Alapítvány) - supports Óbuda University (Óbudai Egyetem)
- Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis Foundation - supports the University of Pécs (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
- National Foundation for Health and Medical Education (Nemzeti Egészségügyi és Orvosképzésért Alapítvány) - supports Semmelweis University (Semmelweis Egyetem)
- Foundation for the University of Szeged (Szegedi Tudományegyetemért Alapítvány) - supports the University of Szeged (Szegedi Tudományegyetem)
- Foundation for the Hungarian University of Sports Science (Testnevelési Egyetemért Alapítvány) - supports the Hungarian University of Sports Science (Magyar Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Egyetem)
- Foundation for the Tokaj-Hegyalja University (Tokaj-Hegyalja Egyetemért Alapítvány) - supports Tokaj-Hegyalja University (Tokaj-Hegyalja Egyetem)

The easiest way to become a Guest Investor
Benefits of Choosing a Financial Donation
Donating to a "közfeladatot ellátó közérdekű vagyonkezelő alapítvány" that supports higher education offers several advantages:
- Faster Processing: The residency permit application process may be faster with a donation compared to other investment options.
- Simplified Process: Compared to real estate investment, the donation process may be simpler with no property management or market fluctuations to consider.
- Contributing to National Development: Your donation directly supports the development of Hungary's higher education system, fostering innovation and contributing to the country's future.
- Supporting Independent Institutions: These foundations operate independently of the government, ensuring that your contribution is used effectively and according to the foundation's mission.

You can select from several options - we are here for you!
Important Considerations
- Non-recoverable Investment: Unlike real estate, your donation is not a recoverable investment.
- Foundation Selection: Carefully research the foundation, its management, and the specific higher education institution it supports to ensure it aligns with your philanthropic goals.
- Legal Clarity: Seek legal counsel to navigate the donation process and ensure your contribution meets all the requirements of the Guest Investor program.
How to Donate and Obtain the Guest Investor Residency Permit?
To obtain the guest investor visa through this route, you need to:
- Choose a Foundation: Identify a "közfeladatot ellátó közérdekű vagyonkezelő alapítvány" that aligns with your interests and supports a higher education institution you wish to contribute to.
- Make the Donation: Make a donation of at least €1,000,000 to the chosen foundation.
- Obtain Confirmation: Obtain a confirmation from the higher education institution that they have received your donation.
- Apply for the Residency Permit: Include the confirmation with your guest investor visa application.
By making a significant financial donation to a "közfeladatot ellátó közérdekű vagyonkezelő alapítvány", you not only contribute to the advancement of higher education in Hungary but also open the door to living and working in this vibrant country.
This article provides general information and is not intended as financial or legal advice. Regulations and investment options can change. Always seek professional guidance tailored to your specific situation.
Investing €1,000,000 in a Hungarian higher education institution through a "közfeladatot ellátó közérdekű vagyonkezelő alapítvány" can be a pathway to residency in Hungary and a way to contribute to the country's future. However, due diligence is crucial. Carefully research the foundation, its management, the specific higher education institution it supports, and ensure it aligns with your philanthropic and investment objectives.
Want to consult with professionals to navigate the process and ensure your donation meets all the requirements for the guest investor visa? Contact us!
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