
Hungarian Bar Association

This website is operated by the Illés and Szabó Lawyers Association (1024 Budapest, Lövőház utca 2-6.; Chamber of Lawyers Registration No.: T-370/2024 (BÜK), 1332 (MÜK)), represented by Dr. Illés Géza Márton Law Office (1024 Budapest, Lövőház utca 2-6.). The office is registered with the Budapest Bar Association (1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 7.).

Budapest by night

Hungarian Bar Association

Disclosure Required by the Hungarian Bar Association

We adhere to all laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers. These regulations, along with information on client rights, are available on the Hungarian Bar Association website: www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu.

Contact Details of Regional Chambers

Budapest Bar Association: https://bpugyvedikamara.hu/

Békés County Bar Association: https://www.bmugyvedikamara.hu/

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Bar Association: http://www.miskolciugyvedikamara.hu/

Debrecen Bar Association: https://debreceniugyvedikamara.hu/

Eger Bar Association: http://www.hmuk.hu/magunkrol.html

Kecskemét Bar Association: https://www.bacskiskunmegyeiugyvedikamara.hu/

Győr Bar Association: https://gyoriugyvedikamara.hu/

Komárom-Esztergom County Bar Association: https://www.kemuk.hu/

Nyíregyháza Bar Association: http://www.nyhuk.hu/

Nógrád County Bar Association: https://nogradvarmegyeiugyvedikamara.hu/

Pécs Bar Association: https://www.pecsiugyvedikamara.hu/

Pest County Bar Association: https://pmuk.hu/

Somogy County Bar Association: https://www.smugyvedek.hu/

Szeged Bar Association: https://szegediugyvedikamara.hu/

Székesfehérvár Bar Association: https://www.szfvuk.hu/

Szekszárd Bar Association: https://szekszardiuk.hu/

Szolnok Bar Association: https://www.uk-szolnok.hu/

Szombathely Bar Association: http://szombathelyiugyvedikamara.hu/hu/

Veszprém County Bar Association: https://www.veszpremiugyvedikamara.hu/

Zala County Bar Association: https://www.zalaiugyvedikamara.hu/